Friday, May 2, 2008


Why do I give people advice who don't listen. They ask, and then ignore. They know I am right because they are in this situation because they did not listen to me. It makes me terribly angry so why do I bother? Is it because I still have some kind of demented heart left? I know not. Why do I attempt to talk to people who are borderline breaking promises to talk to me? does it matter. I don't think it will soon. I won't care. Apathy will take me at last. Throw your stones I won't really care. Most of you have horrible aim anyway. You can see that from the way you live your life. No goals, or dreams, just temporary pleasure. Sometimes I think I hate the both of you. Maybe I do. Either way I will keep trying to be there for you, for some demonic reason unknown to me.

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